Anthony Reynolds // Front End Developer


Philadelphia Sports Rosters

philly sports app

For the Philly sports fans out there, this website allows users to view the rosters of the 4 major Philadelphia sports teams.

Tools used: React, HTML, CSS

To-Do Project

to-do website

Fetches information from an API and displays the information in a to-do list format.

Tools used: React.JS, Javascript, HTML, CSS


Github Repo Gallery

github repo

Displays all my public repos on Github. Feel free to search through and see what I've been working on!

Tools used: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Guess The Word Game

guess the word

The user has to guess the letters in a randomly generated word. Every incorrect letter takes away a guess.

Tools used: HTML, CSS, Javascript

Blackjack Game

blackjack game

Simple blackjack game where the user faces the dealer (cpu) and tries to win with the best hand possible.

Tools used: HTML, CSS, Javascript

HTML Email

Responsive HTML Email Template

html email

HTML Email template that can be customized for any client's use.

Tools used: HTML, CSS, HTML Email focused layout


First Draft Portfolio

original portfolio

My first portfolio! I like to come back to this project to see how far I've come with my coding skills.

Tools used: HTML, CSS

Facebook Clone

facebook clone

A clone of Facebook's homepage. Complete with a few example posts from users and both sidebar navigations

Tools used: HTML, CSS

Rogue Pickings Website

rogue pickings

An example homepage for a food truck company named Rogue Pickings.

Tools used: HTML, CSS